Sunday, September 08, 2024

Karachi drownings


As the avoidable yet unfortunate incidents of drowning continue, four more people, including two women, drowned off the Turtle Beach and Sea View in Karachi earlier this week. Two more women were rescued in an unconscious condition of whom one died during treatment at the Civil Hospital. These drownings have become a permanent fixture of the city’s monsoon season. Every year the authorities impose Section 144 at all of Karachi’s beaches, and every year, without fail, people find a way to defy the ban — sometimes even by bribing police officials posted on duty specifically to ensure no one gets to the beach. Moreover, the lack of lifeguards, inadequate warning signage, and poor public awareness campaigns exacerbate the situation. There is no point in people finding out the beaches have been temporarily closed after getting to one. The government must proactively ensure the ban’s coverage through the media, using it to run awareness campaigns through public service messages. If people have reached the beach, the officials present on duty should strictly enforce no-swimming rules during high-risk periods. Emergency response systems need to be more robust, with quicker deployment of rescue teams and better-equipped facilities. Additionally, community involvement in spreading awareness and aiding in rescue operations can make a significant difference. Implementing comprehensive public education on beach safety and swimming skills, coupled with technological solutions like warning apps, could help prevent these tragic incidents. However, it would be unfair to give picnickers a clean chit too, especially those more educated and aware of the consequences of not cooperating with authorities. These individuals, despite their awareness, often disregard safety measures, putting themselves and others at risk. Their actions not only endanger lives but also strain the already limited resources of emergency responders, making it imperative for everyone to act responsibly and adhere to safety guidelines.

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