Indian External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar's latest diatribe was an attack on the United Nations and its Security Council over its original 1948 resolutions regarding Kashmir. Jaishankar has long come across as one of the world's worst, or possibly best, diplomats because of his lack of diplomatic tact and ignorance of norms. While certainly violating the old-school diplomatic playbook and off-putting to most people with a shred of human decency, his speeches and general conduct have made him a celebrity in the BJP and its aligned 'Godi' media. Specifically, Jaishankar took issue with the fact that the UN framed the events of 1947 as a "dispute", rather than an "invasion", and blamed Western nations for this. The latter term would support the official Indian version of events, but not the findings of the independent UN commission, which noted the broader issues around the uprising in the princely state after Maharaja Hari Singh fled Srinagar. It is also worth noting that India has never lived up to any of the terms of the resolution, which is the equivalent of someone refusing to respect the decision of an arbitrator of their own choice. At the same time, undermining the resolution may be the first step to violating it. The Modi government has shown itself to be very comfortable when it comes to violating its own laws, such as the removal of Kashmir's special constitutional status. Violating international law may be an even easier proposal, considering that the biggest hurdle has always been the potential for reprisal from the US — India has always been in Russia's good books and China's bad books. However, given the transactional nature of US President Donald Trump and his friendship with Modi , the US may be willing to give India a free hand as long as it concedes to Trump's trade and tariff demands. Trump's inhumane Israel-Palestine policy may be what India hopes to get - all rights to a disputed territory with no input from the victims of the violence.
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